Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Brash Ethos

The Brash Ethos:

* offensively bold; “a Brash newcomer disputed the age-old rules for admission to the club”; “a nervy thing to say”
* Leaf litter of small leaves and little twigs as found under a hedge; impetuous or rash; insensitive or tactless; impudent or shameless
* brashing – Removal of the lower dead branches, up to about two metres, of trees in a stand.
* 1. An accumulation of floating ice fragments less than 2 m across, formed by breakage of other ice forms. 2. (Rare.) In England, a colloquial term for a sudden gust of wind or the sudden onset of a storm.
* Small ice fragments from a floe that is breaking up.
* brashing – This is a forester’s term meaning to cut off side branches, usually from conifer trees with the intention of reducing fire risk, improving …
* brashy – Term used to describe soils containing a high proportion of loose broken rock.

So What Does All This Mean?

You can choose what Brash means, but to us it means nothing as its a feeling that encompases ones inner being. Wow that was deep! We interviewed some of our guys and asked them “What Does “Brash” Mean To You:”

James Fairbrother: To conquer ones fears

Natasha Wrall: To say what I mean and don’t be afraid of the consequences.

Matt Newing: The king is dead long live the king.

Adam Turton: It costs more money to win new business than it does to keep existing business, this is why we’ve never lost a client.

John Daly: Everyone wants to work for Brash, its because we’re such a sexy brand.

Hannah Crellin: If Brash is to be bold then I am Brash incarnate.

If that doesn’t explain what we’re all about read below for the official grey ‘newspaper’ answer;

Right at the heart of Brash Ltd. lies growth. As John Daly, Head of Search says, “If we are not growing, there is no point getting out of bed, I always wake up with growth in mind and sometimes in hand” And at Brash, we’re all early risers. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise (weekends excluded of course).

With plenty of success to bolster our spirits, Brash has gone from strength to strength, always with one eye focused on our Growth Strategy. Our team of shining stars are committed to personal and professional development at all times via the Investors in People programme and our Incentive and Remuneration Packages encourages the focus to remain always on organic growth.

At Brash we believe strongly that success breeds success. How do we get success? Well, aside from offering the best possible products and services, we also identify and procure the best possible talents in each sector. Talent secured, we then set about creating a work environment that makes people actually enjoy coming to work and want to succeed. Some of our best people can often be heard complaining that the weekends are too long! At Brash, we work hard and we play hard.

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford. Our thoughts exactly.